Oh, my word! Group was great! Not that they all aren't but wow! Just wow! The insights from everyone, the prayers, the teaching. I am just blown away, though it should come as no surprise. Thank you to everyone!
Hallelujah! God is so good - 2021

I just want to thank God that you and Ms. Throndice have come into my life - 2021

I love the people in this group...the transparency, safety, and wisdom - 2021

I so enjoy group. It has really been a blessing - 2022

I'm forever thankful for you and the ministry - 2022

The retreat was everything. I was truly rejuvenated - 2022

I really appreciate what you and Throndice are doing. It's so comforting to hear the scriptures and prayers to support all of us as we face life with human uncertainty. You all bring us into the throne room of divine confidence - 2023

I'm so glad it's time to see all my sweet sister in Christ!! It just brings my heart joy to be a part of such a special group of ladies!! In case I haven't told you, thank you for including me and making me feel so much better - 2023

I love these meetings. I'm 71 years old and I'm just learning to pull some stuff out of me - 2023

This group helped transform my life - 2023

These meetings be good and what I heard in Spirit was that's my group therapy - 2023

Last night support group blessed me... I am so appreciative and grateful being a part of a
tremendous group of women - 2023

I am so proud to be a part of this amazing organization and support group. This group is not only helping me to deal with the incarceration of my son, but equipping me with the tools to effectively mentally cope and express without judgment. To be affiliated with like minded women where what's understood doesn't need to be explained has definitely been a warm receptive welcome of acceptance that I need in this pivotal point in my life - 2024

Thank you so much for sending the workbook! FFL and you have helped me so much - 2024

I know the Word, but it was the 12 Steps that caused me to dig up stuff - 2024

A lot of my healing has come from FFL and support group - 2024
Quotes from Various Support Group and Rejuvenation Retreat Participants